looking for a job

Advice And Tips When Looking For A Job

Looking for a job is difficult in the best of times, nevermind during a worldwide pandemic. With job losses over the previous year and this year, less and less companies seem to be hiring as they do not know what the year will bring. This will make it a lot harder to find a job which suits you and your skill set. But, that should not stop you. Making money is an essential part of daily life as you have to be able to afford to pay for food, rent, clothes etc. The last thing you want to do is having to turn to a loan for help as these could lead to further financial issues. Therefore, making job-hunting an extremely important task which needs to be completed. Although our tips will not exactly secure you a job, they will help you out with the updated, related tips to the world at the moment.

Keep your eyes peeled

By this, we mean you should ensure you are checking everywhere possible. In today’s society job listings are posted everywhere. They are all over the internet, social media and physically in your local area. The most common places which job roles are posted is ‘Indeed‘. This is a website which allows you to search for specific job roles in certain areas. Indeed is the number one job site in the world with over 250 million new users each month, making it the top listing site for companies to typically use when wanting to hire new employees. So, if you are going to find a job suited to you, it is a good place to look.

But, with the increased use of social media, jobs are also frequently listed on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This allows businesses to interact with their own followers and enables them to hire those who are interested in them as a business too. Relating to this, if you are looking to work for a specific company, some businesses have a ‘jobs’ section at the bottom of their website where they list vacancies when they come open. But, you need to remember that a lot of businesses are losing staff at the moment due to the effects of the virus. Therefore, looking for an extremely specific job will narrow your choices of being hired by a high percentage.

Write an effective CV

With competition being high at the moment, you want to be a candidate which stands out. To do this, you need to ensure your online profiles are up to date and that your CV is very effective. There are plenty of tips all over the internet which can help with improving your CV, some of which include:

  1. Don’t forget keywords (keep it relevant)
  2. Tidy it up, nobody wants to read a confusing CV.
  3. Use numbers and statistics

Stay positive

You need to remember that staying positive is very important. It does not only link to finding a job but also living in the pandemic at the moment too. As mentioned above, with the competition so high, you may not get a response from every company you contact. This is completely normal! But, you need to stay positive and motivated in order to find more jobs and remain focused. Do not forget that depending on where you live, you may be working from home. This will make the process of managing a full-time job a lot easier. Therefore, do not give up looking and trying your hardest.