Changes to Data Protection in the UK

The Data protection Act has been changed recently and these changes affect you greatly. These amendments have changed the dynamics of data protection considerably, and have changed everything from your online data’s protection to who can store your information and for

Letting Fees Banned in the UK

Letting Fees Banned in the UK The Tenants fee act has been introduced by the government. Follow this link to see how what the government’s approach is to banning letting fees paid by tenants in the private rented sector. Charges that could have added around £800 to

How to Make Money from your Phone

How to Make Money, from your Phone Modern mobile phones are a central part of everyday life for most people now. With the internet, text messaging, and phone calls all at the touch of a button, modern smartphones make it easy to have fun in your spare time. However, did

Payday Loan with Poor Credit Score

How a payday loan can help when you have a poor credit score What is a poor credit score? A poor credit score means that someone's credit history makes them a possible risk. This means that banks think there is a higher chance that person won't pay back a loan on time

Why Unsecured Loans make sense

Why unsecured loans make sense While it’s easy to get bogged down in financial jargon, the reason why personal loans exist is quite simple. You might need some up-front capital to fund a purchase, home repair or simply to tide you over after an unexpected expense.